Tag der Nachbarn

Wir feiern den Tag der Nachbarn!

Viertel vor Acht – auf dem Weg zur Arbeit – Hausflur.


Frau Müller fragt dich beim Vorbeigehen, wie deine Prüfung letzte Woche lief und verspricht dir ein Stück Kuchen vom Geburtstag ihres Neffen. Auf dem Teller, auf dem du ihr vorgestern ein Stück Quiche vor die Tür gestellt hast. Das gibt’s nur in süddeutschen Käffern mit 60 Einwohnern? Stimmt nicht.


Nachbarschaftlichkeit geht überall. Und weil wir es lieben, Menschen kennenzulernen und zusammenzubringen, haben wir kurzerhand eine Aktion zum bundesweiten Tag der Nachbarn am 25. Mai in unserem Kiez gestartet.

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No Kita? No Panic! – Our new Childcare Service

One of our coworkers recently came in and announced „It’s crazy out there!”.


What was going on? A storm? Riots? Burning cars? Not quite, but close enough: the frantic search for a kita spot in Berlin. The city is short thousands of daycare spots and even the work groups and task-forces the Senate recently formed will not be able to make them magically appear. In the coming days and weeks many parents will learn that they did not get a kita spot – followed by these painful questions:


  • I have to return to my job – how will I explain this to my boss?
  • How will this affect the future of my career?
  • What will my clients and business partners say, when I have to put off their projects?
  • What will this do to our financial situation if I no longer receive „Elterngeld“, but can’t go back to work?
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Foto Anja und Maria von JOIN

Partners in Crime – die juggleHUB-Interviewreihe // Folge 1: Anja und Maria von JOIN

In unserer Interviewreihe “Partners in Crime” stellen wir euch Macher_innen aus dem Bereich New Work vor, die mit uns zusammen die Arbeitswelt von morgen gestalten.

Heute haben wir Anja und Maria von JOIN getroffen. JOIN steht für Jobinnovator und ist eine Job-Suchmaschine, die den Job suchenden Menschen in den Mittelpunkt steht.

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Bild: Fröken Fokus - Frau springt in die Luft

The Whatever-in-review: We are growing, you are thriving and along the way we are saving the world

Somehow that notion of a weekly review really is silly. I mean, let’s face it: our last blog post was published towards the beginning of autumn. Autumn! Colorful leaves and so on. Today – after multiple cases of the flu, scarlet fever, frost bite and countless lemon ginger teas – the first signs of spring are beckoning. So here comes our quarterly juggle-report!


Stop! Don’t go anywhere! I promise to keep it brief. And besides, really great things are happening – but fine, if you don’t want to read on…


Oh, you’re still here – time-tested mommy strategy (Ok, then Mommy will do it all alone…) works every time!


New team offices at juggleHUB

Speaking of alone. Being alone at juggleHUB is becoming more difficult every day. Since the beginning of the year our space has noticably filled up. We have lots of new faces – some are still on their trial month, others dove right into a membership. Like Lydia and her two colleagues who booked three fixed desks.

And in early January we also welcomed our first start-up team – the boys and girls from Oolipo.

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Unicorn juggleHUB Coworking

The week in review: Children’s words of wisdom, magical encounters and sobering facts

A few days ago a little two-year-old stood in our café and said: “Fall is coming with big steps”. That was as cute as it was true. And it reminded us, in the most charming way, that it was high time to recap the past few days and weeks for you. So here it goes!


juggleHUB and the first ever Berlin Coworking Festival

On October 7th and 8th the first Coworking Festival took place in Berlin. Over 20 coworking spaces joined forces to make coworking (even more) visible. Of course, if you are familiar with the start-up scene or working as a freelancer, you have most likely heard about coworking before. But many people have not and we wanted to change that. After all, coworking is an option for most people – and with the vast variety of spaces on the market, everyone should be able to find the right space for themselves. It is this variety that we wanted to demonstrate and at the same time lower the inhibitions to just come by, take a look, meet some coworkers, take a seat at a desk or just taste the coffee being offered.

At juggleHUB we had two days of “open doors” – although our doors are typically always open for anyone interested. So this time officially with title and exclamation mark: “Come on in, we look forward to meeting you!”

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female founders meetup

The week in review: Women, that carry number signs, full house, great kids – and it was summer.

So we’ve been busily posting away on our social media channels – links, articles, incredibly interesting events – and the reactions are fair to good. In the process we’ve been steadily collecting likes and finally reached the magic 500 mark. Ok, we thought, to celebrate we could post a funny little “thank you” video. With us as ring card girls. We’d just post it in the afternoon, when there’s not too much traffic on our Facebook page.


No sooner said than done. We made a funny little clip, posted it online on a hot, work-unfriendly day and then turned back to our never-ending to-do list. Then, after a while, for some distraction, we made our way back to Facebook and what do we find? „Like!“, „Share!“, „Comment“, „Woohooo!“.

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founders of juggleHUB with kids

The week…month-in-review: The first weeks at juggleHUB

Yes, it still exists, our written week-in-review. For the past few weeks we switched to the spoken version, since that just seemed more appropriate. We stood in constant exchange with supporters and new people that were interested in the juggleHUB and were happy to explain and inform: „How long have you been open now?”, „How did the idea come about?” or just „What’s new at juggleHUB?“ In the future we’ll just say: Read the blog, man! No, of course not, but for those of you that have not (yet) come by we want to share a brief retrospect.


The soft opening

So, back to the question “How long have you been open now?” Exactly one month! On Monday, June 13, we opened our doors to the public for the first time and waited to see what would happen. And something happened – how exciting!

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Coworking Space Prenzlauer Berg

The week in review: A penny for your thoughts, a view from the juggle-balcony and a new childcare offer

If we had to find a motto for the past week, it would surely be „design“. Seems likely when you are challenged with filling a 330-square-metre-space with life. What should the rooms look like? Which wall colors? Do we even want wall colors? And do grown-ups want to sleep in bunk beds??


Wait a sec, beds? For grown-ups? I thought this was a CoWORKING

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