No Kita? No problem!
In Berlin alone there is a shortage of around 3,000 Kita spots for children under the age of three. Employees that are planning to return to work after their parental leave, are hindered from doing so due to the lack of childcare options. With a spot at juggleHUB you can bridge this gap.
Instead of home office with children
Due to Corona, more people than ever are working from home.This has made it blatantly clear how difficult it is to get work done when kids are around. At juggleHUB, parents can share a coworking membership so that they can take turns working at the coworking space and taking advantage of the onsite childcare, while the other one works from home without disruption.
Working during Kita holidays
In Berlin Kitas are permitted to close for up to 25 days per year. For working parents this usually causes enormous stress and requires a huge organisational effort. The flexible childcare offer at juggleHUB gives parents security, reliability and the chance to work during Kita holidays.
Working after Kita hours
Many parents reduce their weekly hours upon returning to work. Their weekly work hours dictate the amount of hours their child may be cared for at Kita. When important work deadlines or appointments come up, there is usually no room for flexibility. At juggleHUB parents can get in a few more guilt-free working hours after they’ve picked their little one up from Kita.
Returning to work after parental leave
Many parents would consider returning to work sooner if they knew their child was being cared for close by. At juggleHUB this is possible: Parents work while their children are looked after a few doors away.
Family friendly employer
Digitalization creates many new possibilities to work together and build a new understanding of a familiy friendly working world. As a company you can set a new benchmark when it comes to a family friendly working environment and employer attractiveness by encouraging your employees to work according to their needs and to share responsibily between both partners.
Your advantage:
- happy and loyal employees
- high employer attractiveness
- new impulses through our creative environment and network at the juggleHUB Coworking Space.
- your companies contingent for coworking with childcare can be flexibly used by several employees as needed.
Coca-Cola and Babbel have already started successfully. Join us on the path towards a new working world with our pilot project “Coworking for employees with kids”.
Read the interview with Nele Lenz, Head of PR at Babbel, on our Blog, where she gives an insight into Babbel’s corporate culture and explains how using a flexible desk with childcare at juggleHUB helps her to balance work and family life.