The week in review: A word from us. A word with your boss.

Our look back on the past week begins with a look ahead, to today, 10 am. That’s when we will be welcoming some of you to our first juggleHUB Meet & Greet! We can’t wait to meet you and get to know the real people behind those little Facebook profile pictures. We look forward to answering your questions and hearing your ideas.


It is always fascinating how a personal conversation can trigger so many great ideas and inspiration for the juggleHUB, things that we just hadn’t thought of yet but which can make all the difference. One of the most recent questions we were asked was “Will I be able to bring my dog?“. Our knee-jerk reaction? „No, not possible.“ But hold on, we thought, let’s think about it. In a city like Berlin that thought is not so far-fetched. As a matter of fact, doesn’t Berlin have more dogs than kids? Coworking with dogsitting?




So no still is the answer – because of security and noise issues there will be no dogs at juggleHUB. Of course exceptions may be in order when two big brown puppy dog eyes are gazing at us.


In any case, this and similar questions have made it clear to us that there are things that are important to you and that we haven’t even thought about as yet. And that’s exactly what we aim to find out today and at next weeks Meet & Greet event. Here you will find all relevant information for today’s „juggleHUB Meet & Greet over coffee“ and next weeks „juggleHUB Meet & Greet over wine“.


Personal exchange is also what defined last weeks events. JuggleHUB spent two days at the „HR BarCamp Berlin“ – an un-conference for human resource staffers that are looking for an exchange about new trends and possibilies in recruitment and in current personnel developments. What is a BarCamp you ask? BarCamps are open, participatory workshop-events, the content of which is provided by participants at the beginning of the event. Each participant can suggest a topic for a seminar or workshop („session“), the entire audience then votes on the sessions they would like to attend, thus creating the program of the event.


Together with the team of Tandemploy we held a session about the topic „Work-Family-Balance = part-time job? We can do more!”.




At the beginning we asked each participant to end the following sentence: „Work-Family-Balance is good, but…“. The answers clearly showed how the topic „Balancing work and family“ is still equated with less money (due to part-time work) and less influence and responsibility. In the course of the session we let the participants develop answers for how digitalisation provides possibilities to rethink Work-Family-Balance and which advantages flexible work models offer to the employee as well as the employer. At the end of the session we had turned the reservations regarding Work-Family-Balance into four flipchart pages full of ideas, possibilities and new paths towards a redesign of the working world.


Result: Work-Family-Balance is a problem that is not dealt with by sticking to old and familiar ways. Instead it needs to be tackled by each and every one of us if we want to change the way we work and live. So also by you!?


Does your employer also tend to equate Work-Family-Balance solely with part-time work? Did you reduce hours because it seemed like the only option but now find yourself wanting to give your career more room again?


Then get in touch with us!


We can give you information and material to start a discussion with your employer about „Coworking with childcare for employees“.

On our website you can find an overview of the advantages for companies that allow their employees to work at juggleHUB as needed. Feel free to forward the link to colleagues or straight to your boss! We can also send you a printed brochure that you can present to the decision makers in your company. We are happy to meet with you and/or your boss to answer any questions.


The possibilities are there – now it’s up to you to use them!


What else have we learned this week?


A success strategy: Don’t do things like everyone else – do things in a way that feels right for you and your endeavor! Some of the craziest and most unrealistic measures may lead you on to the path to success!