juggleHUB at Cowork2016: collaboration, not competition

After the Cowork2016 conference in Hamburg this past weekend we took a brief pause and temporarily eliminated the word „coworking“ from our vocabulary. Why? To clear our heads. Yesterday then a tentative relapse – a post on our Facebook page about the current coworking statistics published by Deskmag. And today we are back in full swing! Coworking, Coworking, Coworking – Yeah!


After the many impressions and conversations from the conference had some time to sink in, we are reflecting on our take-away. Definitely a large amount of motivation – the entire conference crew, from organizers to participants, was an incredibly nice and inspiring bunch of people. You just can’t help but want to be a part of the coworking movement to turn the working world upside down. Coworking, Coworking, Coworking – Baby, are you coworking yet?

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The week in review: A word from us. A word with your boss.

Our look back on the past week begins with a look ahead, to today, 10 am. That’s when we will be welcoming some of you to our first juggleHUB Meet & Greet! We can’t wait to meet you and get to know the real people behind those little Facebook profile pictures. We look forward to answering your questions and hearing your ideas.


It is always fascinating how a personal conversation can trigger so many great ideas and inspiration for the juggleHUB, things that we just hadn’t thought of yet but which can make all the difference.

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