The week in review: 3… 2… 1… 2… 1… 1… 1… Go! juggleHUB is starting!
Who needs an intro or many words to build up tension, when you really just need 4 simple words to describe the highlights of the past week.
On Thursday we got the long-awaited phone call from the bank. And now we can finally get started for real! Numbers in Excel spreadsheets, pictures in Pinterest folders, countless notes and sketches in tattered notebooks will finally become reality – hopefully by early June, if all goes as planned. Right after we have renovated, spackled, nailed, furnished, cleaned up and turned on the coffee machine. And a bit of paperwork needs to be taken care of as well.
So much to think about!
Admittedly, the whole thing is pretty intimidating, even though we have been waiting for this day for so long. All of a sudden the possibilities are endless – and it is up to us to make it all work. While our hearts are turning summersaults for joy, we are shaking in our boots. So nothing new here 😉
Ok, so it’s time to gather our thoughts, sort out the next steps and take care of some bureaucracy – our partnership agreement and official formation – and in the meantime a good start-up cocktail of things that have to be done (insurances, sorting out tax questions, cost estimates) and things that want to be done (trips to flea markets, picking paint colors, sprucing up the balconies etc.).
By the way, you can still meet us at the occasional event. For example this coming Friday at the Fielfalt Femsemble and Relauch Party or next week Wednesday at the Venture Ladies meetup.
Speaking of events: Last week we met up with a bunch of Berlin coworking space managers/owners to discuss ways in which to make the coworking scene more visible. The meetup was hosted at Ahoy, a coworking space that fulfills just about every one of our Pinterest visions, 1.700 square meters of light-filled loft space, team rooms, event spaces, beautifully furnished with a mix of nautical nostalgia, industrial design and upcycling. And soon there will be even more room as Ahoy is growing and adding a second floor. Also there were representatives of co.up, Rainmaking Loft, Unicorn, St. Oberholz, Betahaus and Factory.
What else did we learn this week?
Loan approvals are a double-edged sword. “Hooray, we can get started!“ meets „From now on we are in debt – um…great…hooray…“
photo: Seleneos / photocase.com