Have you ever wondered who is this guy wandering the halls of juggleHUB at night? – Well, it’s our very first member, with us since 2016: American conductor Garrett Keast.
Der juggleHUB wird 5! Das schreit nach einem Rollentausch: Community-Mitglied Maja interviewt die Gründerinnen des juggleHUB, Silvia und Katja.
Being connected to others – that’s what matters most for our community member Blane, in her work as a freelance journalist as well as in a coworking space.
Heiko kam mit Beginn der Corona-Krise durch die juggleHUB-Tür und hat unsere Community seitdem spürbar mit seiner Offenheit und seinem stets positiven Spirit bereichert. Seine Biografie liest sich wie ein Drehbuch zu einem Film – nur rückwärts. Vom Vermögensmillionär in die Wohnungslosigkeit, übers Psychologiestudium zum Start-up-Gründer.
Kash Bhattacharya, or simply “Kash”, joined our community in 2018 together with Sabrina. They both live what many would consider “the dream” – travelling the world as digital nomads and creating beautiful films about their favorite places.
Parental leave makes for a great time to start a business. At least in theory. How many of the great ideas parents develop during their parental leave are actually implemented is unknown. Most likely it is a manageable amount. At least the number of start-ups whose formation history is closely linked to the fact that the founders had a baby is quite minimal. And if the connection is obvious, then you can be fairly certain that the business idea specifically targets parents or children.
Unter der Rubrik “inSIGHTS” schreiben die beiden Gründerinnen des juggleHUB – Katja und Silvia – über Herausforderungen, Gefühle und Erkenntnisse, die das Gründerinnen-Dasein so mit sich bringen.
Heute schreibt Katja über ihren Weg in die Coworking-Szene und die Wichtigkeit des Loslassens.
Mit Konkurrenz konnte ich noch nie gut umgehen. Setze mich einer Konkurrenzsituation aus und du kannst ziemlich sicher sein, dass ich es vermasseln werde – selbst Dinge, die ich eigentlich gut kann. Konkurrenz lähmt mich, meinen Körper und meinen Geist. Vielleicht ist es genau dieses Unbehagen, das mich letztendlich auf meinen Weg geführt hat, einen Coworking Space zu gründen. Mehr noch: einen Community getriebenen Coworking Space.
In our interview series “A coffee with…” we introduce you to our Community members. Today: Michal.
Tell us something about you. Where are you from? Why did you come to Berlin?
Hi, I´m Michal, 33 years old. Originally I´m from Tel Aviv, Israel. I moved here with my partner in June 2018 – basically because we love the German culture. I already did a scholarship for exchange research students in Freiburg and I really liked it, so we had the idea to move to Berlin, which is well known for being multicultural. I’ve been working at the juggleHUB for half a year, as a freelancer and I enjoy it very much. I really love living in Berlin, I love the parks and lakes around the city and the fact that Berlin is so open minded and welcoming to everyone, has a great value to me.