The week in review: Women, that carry number signs, full house, great kids – and it was summer.

So we’ve been busily posting away on our social media channels – links, articles, incredibly interesting events – and the reactions are fair to good. In the process we’ve been steadily collecting likes and finally reached the magic 500 mark. Ok, we thought, to celebrate we could post a funny little “thank you” video. With us as ring card girls. We’d just post it in the afternoon, when there’s not too much traffic on our Facebook page.


No sooner said than done. We made a funny little clip, posted it online on a hot, work-unfriendly day and then turned back to our never-ending to-do list. Then, after a while, for some distraction, we made our way back to Facebook and what do we find? „Like!“, „Share!“, „Comment“, „Woohooo!“. Our little clip reached more than 1500 people within one day! For those of you that did not know about us prior to seeing our little numbers act: Hi! We’re Katja and Silvia, and when we aren’t busy carrying around numbers, we pour all our love and passion into running a lovely coworking and event space.


Even during the slow summer months…or especially during the slow summer months?


In the past few weeks we felt the effects of the summer – happiness, light-heartedness and the feeling of being on holiday. Maybe there’s a certain bond that is created when people are hunched over their laptops working while outside the sun is shining. Or maybe life just feels a bit easier when half the city seems to be on holiday and you feel like you’re working on a voluntary basis, because really you don’t have to, because really, isn’t it summer? And nobody is working…in Berlin.

juggleHUB balcony flowers

In any case the mood was great, both with the grown-ups as well as the little ones, of which some are already with us for the second month and have become a part of the juggleHUB-family. We have come to know how Dad prefers his coffee and our caregivers the favorite toys of their little protégés. Feels good, all of it.

KInderbetreuung im juggleHUB

All that and the fact our event space seems to be a hot commodity these days. Our first large company event took place to everyone’s satisfaction, the second one followed close behind and suddenly the requests are coming in more and more often. No, we’re not booked out quite yet, so get in touch if you need rooms for an event or know of someone who does or…you know.


It was a particular joy to host the Female Founders-meetup by in our space. An evening chock-full of inspiration and great conversations, with new connections – and that summer feeling.

female founders meetup

Still high on inspirational energy from that, we instantly created the next event with Saskia and Mevish from Sprinters – The Three Day Startup Sprint for Women: EntreprenHERial Stories. The idea: Women founders share their experiences and give practical start-up aid for those that are still in the early stages of founding or still unsure whether to dare take the first step into entrepreneurship. On stage were, besides our very own Katja, Kira from Fielfalt, Mevish from Sprinters and Karin from MentorMe. In an interview series with Maren Lesche the audience was able to catch a glimpse into the founders soul and in personal conversations afterwards get helpful tips and motivation. The evening showed us how similar the experiences of female founders are and thus how important and helpful mutual support and networking is.

entreprenHERial stories meetup

Our special thanks goes to the guys from Juicy Heroes who officially launched exactly one week after us, on July 1st and who provided us with delicious and healthy juices for the evening. Thank you!


And while we’re talking about events – the next one is coming up soon:


On September 15 we are hosting the second edition of our Eat & Greet. That means pancakes and coffee on the house in the company of nice people and the chance to check out the juggleHUB, to test our childcare or to just fill up on yummy pancakes. For those of you that feel like feeding their brain as well can register fro the free Design-Thinking-Workshop by Kanria. Currently the workshop is full and there is a waiting list, so if you are registered and can’t make it, please release your ticket so someone else can have a chance.


Eat & Greet im juggleHUB

Speaking of breakfast (and coffee and lunch): Everyone who works, attends or hosts events at juggleHUB now receives a 10% discount on all delicious food creations at Lieschen Müller up the street from us. Let us know if you want to have lunch there so we can give you our juggle-card.


What else did we learn this week?

Signs. We need more signs!


When kids generally do NOT want to go to sleep at home without being carried around, that does not necessarily hold true for naptime at juggleHUB, where you can then return to your desk, completely relaxed, and go back to work. Just like that. True story!


After August is before late summer. We’re holding on to the summer feeling just a little while longer.